Brief History of Laser Hair Removal and How the New Technology Compares

There are several types of laser hair removal treatments that have been somewhat effective in the past, but are still lacking in efficiency.The alexandrite laser, neodymium:yttrium-aluminium-garnet laser, diode laser and ruby laser have all been commonly utilized in laser hair removal procedures. Due to the prolonged growth and rest cycle of hair follicles, it's been difficult to find a solution that offers permanent hair removal. There have been several issues of safety as well, especially for those patients who have darker hair and skin tones.

A New and Better Way Arrives on the Scene

Intense pulsed light (IPL) therapy is the latest procedure used in hair removal that's proving to be more effective than any other method. Studies performed with IPL patients have shown significant hair removal success along with far less complications or side effects.

Another tremendous benefit of IPL is that it usually takes less time than expected to succeed with hair removal. Although the patient may have several treatments, the process often takes far less time than former laser treatments, saving the patient time and money. Some doctors are even offering to bill each treatment separately instead of assuming that the patient will need a certain number of visits. This enables the patient to pay on a "by treatment" basis instead of one lump sum before beginning the treatments.

How Does IPL Work?

IPL is actually a non-coherent laser which is used by a technician to damage unwanted hair follicles.The exposure time frame, energy level and wavelength can each be selected by the technician for maximum accuracy. One major benefit of the intense pulsed light is that it causes very little damage to surrounding tissues.

The targeted hair follicles absorb the light and are heated, then damaged and epilated (or loosened from the root). There are normally multiple treatments required, and the hair loss is not permanent although often longer lasting than other removal techniques.The results are often called "permanent hair reduction".This means that the volume of hair regrowth might be reduced permanently. Hair can grow back in that spot, but there won't be near as much hair as before in most cases.

Is IPL Still Laser Treatment?

IPL is still referred to as laser hair removal by many people, although it's a totally different type of laser light when compared with the other laser procedures. IPL uses an entirely different wavelength than other lasers. It is also more targeted and less damaging. Technically, it is still a "laser", however, IPL should always be identified as such during conversations to avoid confusion.

Results of IPL Compared with Other Laser Treatments

IPL is proving to be the most effective treatment available today. An estimated 85 percent of an IPL patient's hair is removed successfully after only one treatment, which is quite noticeable! There's more accuracy with IPL than ever before, and with less potential damage to surrounding tissues. Thus far, side effects have been minimized to a little swelling if any side effects were detected at all.

The results among different hair colours have also been very promising. With all skin types, IPL has been effective. Hispanics and Asians have enjoyed positive results with IPL, however, there are additional precautions to be taken when a patient has darker skin to avoid over-absorbence of light.A person with grey or blonde hair may have less effectiveness due to the lack of pigmentation in their hair. Pigmentation is what actually absorbs the light and enables the treatment to work thoroughly.This is why a person with darker hair and skin colour will absorb more of the light.

Even with these uncertainties, IPL is still proving to be the most effective when compared with other laser treatments.