• Filtration: The average compressor consumes up to 190 million dirt particles, hydrocarbons, viruses and bacteria with every cubic meter of atmospheric air. The compressor itself is able to remove the larger dirt particles but the majority of the dirt and contaminantsremain in the compressed air itself. Meaning that most applications involving compressed air require treatment: So by having clean, healthy compressed air saves you time and money, by maximising the life of your air-tools,enables you to be
    certain that your pneumatic machinery and control systems are running at their best, keeping pipes & valves free from contaminants. Thereby not only reducing the servicing, maintenance and repair costs, but can also reduce initial investment costs..

  • Dryers: The air that is sucked into the compressor is made up of numerous gases which contain moisture; the amount of moisture in the air will vary depending on the temperature. During the compression of the air, the temperature of the air increases
    making the air more capable of holding extra moisture. Thus meaning that when the air is cooled it is unable to hold much moisture, which then forces the moisture to turn into condensate. The condensate is then removed by the centrifugal separator, downstream from the compressor. But even then the air can still be loaded with water condensate. So as the air cools further down the air lines significant amounts of condensate can accumulate in the lines is simply blown straight into your equipment. Which will result in system failure, production downtime, costly servicing, repair work and this is all unavoidable without additional air drying systems in place.

  • Air receivers: Air receivers play a key role within a compressed air installation simply because of its size and aesthetics. They are used to store large volumes of air, if you are going to get condensate in your lines then the air receiver is the first place the condensate should form. Thus being a great way to catch the condensate and you are able to remove the water with an auto-drain on the bottom of the tank. This means you have no water in your lines and there is no need to drain the tank because it’s all automatic. All of our air receivers are suited to the Australian standards;
    they are manufactured to last a lifetime. .

Contact us in the office on 9211-1163, 9211-3364, on the mobile 0418235765, by fax 9281-7130